Soon to be added I hope =)
Thank you for this excellent piece of software you made. I have found it having just about everything I could ever want to do... and it is still being developed which makes it even better =)
My Suggestions if not already said by someone else:
- cpu load in a percent / bar from 0-100% format
(refer to my 'CPU LOAD SCREEN ' Attached the bottom row with all the ÿ represents where I would put the bar if it was there)
- IP address of the current PC
- equalizer like bar for left and right channels in winamp =)
- on system uptime if it could have option to display something like
-XX Days XX Hours XX Minutes XX Seconds or something simular would be good
- Date actualy display the month name, day and year would be nice
- EÿÿÿÿÿF guage bar for drive space / memory / swap
I am a bit touchy on the special characters that need to be used on my 634 9600 Baud version. I would definitely like to volunteer my coding expertise on adding some of these features into...I'm still new to it myself but if anything I know can help you out I am %100 willing to do so.
Thank you for this excellent piece of software that was just what the doctor ordered. Since I have been trying to make my own LCD software for a long time with no real luck due to my lack of the proper knowledge.
anyway...THX a million
I have attached my screens I have made for my LCD take a look ... some could be better but I don't know all the special characters for my 634 9600baud LCD
if you could post them with a little how-to for us newbies to them I would greatly appreciate it =P
If you used NT LCD from 2 morrow you will see I tried to mimic the best part I enjoyed about that program.
Description of my Screens
CPU LOAD - at the top display of my current CPU % with a few bars on eithe rside for style =). I added the User CPU TIME, and the Priviledged CPU TIM, along with mem % in use and % cpu idle
Operationg System - Displays my windows XP and version number along with my system uptime. (wouldn't mind Uptiem being in XXX days XXX Hours XX Minutes XX Seconds)
TIME - Displays date in XX/XX/XX for ( would like to see Month name, day #, and XXXX Year ) The clock tiem I use military tiem becuase regular old clock just seems so un-techie like =P
SYSTEM SPECS - Motherboard Model, CPU Brand, RAM cas, and my max storage capacity =) I like it becuase people always ask me what my computer is at a lan so I jsut point to my screen that has everythign they wanna know on it =)
Hard DIsk - Displays teh free space on every one of my computers HDD...never knwo when you want to take a quick glance to see if you have enough GB's free to install that 2GB + game =D | EÿÿÿÿÿF | type guage would be nice feature to add here
RAM - Displays the memory total and amount free in KB along with my swap file (wouldn't mind seeing a EÿÿÿÿÿF kind of thing for both of them sicne I was particularly foudn of that part of NT LCD
Fan Status- Displays my CPU / MB fan / chassis fan ... what have you
Temperatures - displays my CPU/MB/Ambient temp in Degrees F along with my Core voltage
Winamp - consistems of song title scrolling on the top, playlist position, Total Track Time, and Remaining time.
Well how you guy like some of my screens... have fun =) Follow up and post some of your own as well too plz
you might have a design I like as well.
I am a Local in Washington State and love a good lan party drop me a IM or email me (in profile) if you live aroudn here as well and don't mind poelpe from teh net droping by for a visit and some lan party carnage =P
*these Screens were made from my windows XP machine..don't know if all with work on other OS's*