Requested Features for CrystalControl

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CF Mark

Yep... RSS support would be a nice feature.
I might look into it sometime.... but it may have to wait until CC V2.0 is done.
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New member
CrystalControl Admin said:
Yep... RSS support would be a nice feature.
I might look into it sometime.... but it may have to wait until CC V2.0 is done.
cant wait for that :)
i know being a dev myself that i hate this question but do you have any expectation dates? beta dates?


New member
2.5 cents

although counter-strike / hlstats would be nice :D , didnt see a total disk space. Also have 1 gig of ram and when u try to list ram in GB it come up as 0. Displaying your current NIC or internet IP address would be cool. Maybe a plugin or support for DYNSITE for windows that will display our current internet IP and domain name its updating. If i think of more ill let ya know :p


New member
Re: 2.5 cents

NaZ said:
although counter-strike / hlstats would be nice :D , didnt see a total disk space. Also have 1 gig of ram and when u try to list ram in GB it come up as 0. Displaying your current NIC or internet IP address would be cool. Maybe a plugin or support for DYNSITE for windows that will display our current internet IP and domain name its updating. If i think of more ill let ya know :p
total disk space and some network options are available but only in windows 2000 and xp


New member
Couple of more things..

I was thinking of adding an LCD to my second PC which I use for burning CDr and DVDrs. maybe there would be a way to display functions from such CDR/DVDr software like Prassi Primo, Nero, and or diskjuggler? Like percentage completed, disk Writing, ETC ETC.


New member
Just a few repeated suggestions:

2. News Headlines
3. Stock Quotes
4. Custom characters with a character designer
5. Winamp playtimes and remaning play times to the nearest second, no need 0:00.00 accuracy
6. The ability to type the e-mail password with a password text box so it shows **** instead of the password
7. More than one e-mail server monitoring
8. More winamp stuff, graphs...etc.

CF Mark

I hope some of you guys know how to program C++... will make a lot of this stuff get built into CC quicker.

As i said before, the next major version of CC will support data DLLs, so you guys can make CC monitor any data you want.
Of course ill write a lot of the DLLs for it, but a lot of the things you guys are asking for will get done quicker if you help.

Anyway... a lot more on that topic when the new DLL based CC is released... and dont hold your breath, its still a fair way off.


New member
hmm, whats about that automated ut gamestats?
i dont think it can be that hard to add this feature when its even available as a very simple script for mirc.. its just annoying, and i'm sure nobody does so actually, that u always have to update your nick and server ip when you want cc to display the stats :(


New member
One feature I'd *really* like to see - you have options to skip screens when MBM and Winamp aren't detected - how about an option to keep a certain screen up when the number of emails is > 0? So basically, you'll know when you have mail at a glance; and as soon as it detects that the mail has been read, it continues to alternate (it would also be great to be able to skip the screen if there is no new mail, like skipping Winamp and MBM screens.) Also, one minor bug I've noticed; when MBM reports fanspeeds as 0 RPM, the LCD displays 255 RPM; I have one fan which I switch off at night, hence I noticed this - but it doesn't really bother me. Oh, and I agree with the '5. Winamp playtimes and remaning play times to the nearest second, no need 0:00.00 accuracy ' too; sureley you could add a precision option to this?

This was the app that made me decide to go out and make an LCD - and apart from this, it's absolouotley perfect. Keep up the top work!
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New member
Skip screen if not on net

This is an absolutely fantastic piece of software.

One question. Is it possable to get the program to skip certain screens if no internet connection is detected because I have about half my screens showing internet settings and readings but if im not on the net i have to watch it display errors. I know LCD center and Smartie both have this feature and I whould have thought it was an obvious thing to have so am I overlooking it?

If not could you add it to the next version as it would be very useful!!



New member
my suggestions for next version

the option to choose how date and time and winamp times are displayed

hh:mm:ss AM/PM
h:mm:ss AM/PM
h:mm AM/PM
mm:ss - theres no need for miliseconds

also when i have both lines (16x2) set to scrolling they dont stay scrolling together......

ie. top line scrolls across screen and then the bottom one scrolls across - so i see one line at a time
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New member

I'd love to see:

-a big numbers clock,

-any features that would involve flashing or moving things (like in wintest oscilloscope, graph bars etc...) that would react to winamp or other mp3 softwares.

-Capacity to generate special caracters or animations.

Your software rocks !!!


New member
The ability to display data as bar graphs would be fantastic!

Also, a detector to let me know if I have incoming AIM, ICQ, etc messages would be very good as well.

Just Don

New member
Future additions or fixes

All of the requested additins look great but I have noticed
that SETI has been dropped and have been informed that
there are problems with support for Windows XP in the
newest version.

Will these problems be looked at? Will it support dual
processors (Athalon Xexon)? And will Seti be brought back?:rolleyes:

CF Mark

Re: Future additions or fixes

Just Don said:
All of the requested additins look great but I have noticed
that SETI has been dropped and have been informed that
there are problems with support for Windows XP in the
newest version.
Well I don't know who you've been talking to, but they are wrong on both accounts.

I program and run CrystalControl myself on WinXP. So if anything, it should run better on XP than any other version of windows.

As for Seti, the support is there and it partly works.
CC dosn't get the information correctly from some newer versions of Seti, but they will be fixed in the next release of CC.


New member
Add me to the list of people wanting support for Windows Media Player.

Also, it would be cool if you could make it display certain data from Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 (and other games from that engine). For those of us building virtual cockpits, your products are perfect for certain displays (GPS, Radio, and transponder tunings to name a few...).

Support for other games would also be nice.

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