Requested Features for CrystalControl

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First off I'd also like to say this software is "the" best software that I have used w/ any LCD I have owned. I especially love the SETI@home features built in - those rock! I've always had to install Uller's LCDriver 1.x, Port95 for input/output, motherboard monitor, and lastly a LCD program.

With CrystalControl you all should sell more LCD's because software was their main limitation before as they were not easy to setup for the average user.

My "requests" for CrystalControl are few, but what I think would be good additional features that everyone would benifit from.


(1) a degree symbol, so when your displaying your temps in C or F, it would a more professional look to it :)


(3) Web Headlines from various news sites, ex..CNN, FOXnews, Tom's hardware guide - LCD Smartie 5.0 does do this, it would be nice for CC to also use it ;)

(4) Graphic EQ for winamp to show the "bars" moving up/down to the music - would give it a awesome "visual effect" while the music was playing - Winamp does it, I wouldnt see why the LCD couldnt display that information also!

Those are the only things I can think of now, but if I can think of anymore I'd edit my post! - Its hard to improve on an already great program - keep up the awesome work !!!

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Mr. Matti

New member
Xan said:
... a degree symbol, so when your displaying your temps in C or F, it would a more professional look to it
I had the same thought when I set up my screens. Realized there were two options: design a custom character bitmap, or settle for one of the existing characters in the Crystalfontz set.

After squinting at the characters available, I tried ASCII 150, which puts sort of a half-circle (if you use your imagination) in the upper-left corner of the field.

It's not too bad, if your eyes are as bad as mine.

CF Mark

(1) At the moment CC doesnt have the ability to set custom characters at all. On the 632 and 634 displays using the standard ° character will give somthing similar to that. To make the ° symbol, hold the ALT key and type on the numkeypad 0176.

(2) This should be possible under Win9x, but im no too sure about WinNT/2k/XP. Ill add it to the next version list.

(3) Ill also add it to the next version list.



New member
First I must say a huge thank you to crystalfonts for making this program. Its great to see they are taking an active role in lcd software. Without this program my lcd was rather useless. I couldn't get any program using the lcd driver to work and the known smartie bug with the 632 ruined that program for me.

On the order of suggestions, I was thinking that some default screens could be predefined for things like winamp or general computer settings. Their is so many options its kind of confusing which ones to choice, not that having all of those options is bad by any means :) I second the motion for a graphical display for winamp. Along with a news ticker, and this would be far any away the best lcd program out there (it is already for me anyway!).

Great job!


CF Mark

On the order of suggestions, I was thinking that some default screens could be predefined for things like winamp or general computer settings. Their is so many options its kind of confusing which ones to choice, not that having all of those options is bad by any means :)
Already done... thats what the "load screen" option in the screen config dialog box is used for.
Quite a few example screens where included with CrystalControl and are in the directory that you installed CC into.


New member
Love it, replaced LCDcenter right away!
Couple requests tho:

1: dnetc stats

2: Diskspace info on NT/2000

3: Total kb/s in and out on NICs

and currently everything is in bytes, could it be smart enough to convert to kb/s, mb/s by itself?

CF Mark

Couple requests tho:
1: dnetc stats
2: Diskspace info on NT/2000
3: Total kb/s in and out on NICs

and currently everything is in bytes, could it be smart enough to convert to kb/s, mb/s by itself?
1: maybe
2: its under Performance Info->Logical Disk
3: its on the to-do list

I could try and get it to work the performance monitor division, but 1/2 the time it would get it wrong, so theres no point.


New member
Xan said:
With CrystalControl you all should sell more LCD's because software was their main limitation
yeah, gave me the final push to buy my second LCD. Been waiting for an excuse to pick up the Blue 20x2 parallel


New member
I think your software is great. One thing I would like to see, though is a function for reporting weather. I know that smartie 5.1 is going to have a plugin. It would be cool if you guys could include one too. Thanks


New member
derraa said:
One thing I would like to see, though is a function for reporting weather. I know that smartie 5.1 is going to have a plugin. It would be cool if you guys could include one too. Thanks
I agree. That would be great. Right now I use Infuzer from to get it into my outlook calander, but i'd MUCH rather see it on my LCD! :)


New member
having fun with it so far. Great job...!

I'd like to see it pick up the information from WinDVD or PowerDVD.


New member
I usually do not like to follow the norm, but this time I will have to make a exception. CrystalControl is one nice program. with just a few minor adjustments it could be the best. I have been downloading programs right and left for the past week to see what I like best and this is by far the simplict to use with many great features. I do, however, have a few things things that I would like to see added. The PowerDVD and weather plugin would be great. But I am curious as to why only a few programs incorporate Windows media player. A extensive readme file would be nice as well. Otherwise this program does it all. Nice job and please keep up the good work.


New member
You have a truly great program going here
Just a few things need alteration. My problem is that I have no way of keeping my winamp screen always stay up when winamp is running and not switch to another screen. This is because the only option in the program for automation is "Skip screen if Winamp ISNT running"
if there was an option to skip a screen if winamp WAS running then it would be fine and dandy :)


New member
Good ideas... Also contrary to popular belief, not everyone uses WINAmp. Some people (me) :D use Windows Media Player. A Windows MEdia Player plug-in would be nice.


New member
Will there be DVD support?

Something like DVDspy/Girder. To display the title and time info while playing a DVD with PowerDVD?

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CF Mark

Well keep the sugestions coming, but i doubt ill be able to do anything about them for a while.

At the moment im rewriting a large amount of Crystalcontrol which will allow the addition of new features a lot easier.

Until then, i doubt ill change anything in the current version.


New member
I like the idea of adding an option to sjip screens if winamp is running.

Another thing, i have found a bug with winamp: when I read a song, if I've set crystalcontrol to display the song name with bounce/scroll. For exemple, if the song has 3 words in its title, let's say w1 w2 and w3, words disapearon the lcd... First i can see all the song name scrolling, then only w2 and w3, then only w3, then i get an [E10] error then "no-track" then it comes back, and i can't stop this! i'm using winamp 2.79


New member
along with my winamp suggestion, id like more automatic support rather than manual changes (real pain). I think that for some games like Half-Life there should be automatic updates of server and port number while youre in a game. Also, the stats are slightly messed up when you die in half-life. They went back to [E18] when I died.
Automatic switches and things are essential in my search for the best LCD proggie.

CF Mark

aoLhaTer said:
along with my winamp suggestion, id like more automatic support rather than manual changes (real pain). I think that for some games like Half-Life there should be automatic updates of server and port number while youre in a game. Also, the stats are slightly messed up when you die in half-life. They went back to [E18] when I died.
Automatic switches and things are essential in my search for the best LCD proggie.
Have you ever thought of the fact that maybe it hasnt been done, because it cant be done?
Information on gaming protocols is VERY limited, and i doubt even knowing that information would allow me to update the game server settings on the fly.

As for the [E18] problem, i havnt seen it before and no one else has reported the problem. Are you sure its not happeining due to server lag?
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