Weather Retriever


New member
I don't have something for you..

When you change locations I loose my Contrast, However just clicking on the adjustment without changing it brings it right back up.


New member
I've seen that happen when using another program that has its own brightness and contrast controls. I can add something to future versions so it will reset itself when you run it.


New member
having another problem.. I by mistake when I formatted my pc I set it to the wrong Com port, Now everytime I try and start the program it says..

"Run-Time error '8002':
Invalid Port number"


New member
That or you can change the port value in the registry (assuming you are using CFA-634 Weather and are comfortable navigating the registry):

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CFA634Weather\Port\value

hope that helps!
