labview and crystalfontz


New member
I've just got two lcd (632 serial adn 632 usb).
They both work fine when I use the software from crystalfontz.

Now I wanted to use labview to control them. For the 632 serial there is no problem in making it working (actually I'm using a cable converter from usb to serial and everything is fine). When I try to use instead the lcd 632 usb, there are some problems. In fact when I pass a string of characters, I obtain very weird characters visualized on the lcd. Moreover there is no way to control the backligth or contrast (when passing \015\100\n for example weird chars appears too).
Note that labview sees the ports for the communications without any problem.
Any suggestion? If someone is using labview and can help that will be greatly appreciated.
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CF Tech

The \xxx is a notation to send a single byte of value xxx decimal. Do not send the backslash and three digits to the display just send a single "binary" character.


New member
well in fact changing the speed does change the character represented sometime, but 9600 seems working fine when using the crystalfontz software in any case.
when sending the \014 character for example, I mean I will convert from byte value to string. does not work.
when sending a character like "abcd" instead the displayed chars are "&&&&" at 9600 br.


New member
well everything seems working now and I can control it with labview.
the problem was indeed the speed. after having set the correct one everything works fine
thanks again