I am going to jump in here and state a couple of facts:
1) We do not plan to charge for CC--ever.
Our goal is to sell LCDs. If CC can help us do that (by making the LCDs more useful to a wider audience) then it has succeded. I can think on no larger hassle and no quicker way to lose money than to attempt to charge for software.
CC came about simply because we wanted people to have access to some LCD software that is stable and useful and easy to install. It was never meant to be an end-all, do-all. It does only support Crystalfontz
serial LCDs, but it also supports any HD44780 style parallel LCD. Full tech support is offered in the forum if you have a serial display. You can post, and will probably get an answer (perhaps from another user), but there is no official tech suport for the parallel displays.
We do have an ulterior motive in providing CC, and that is reducing the need for tech support. To that end CC is required to be easy to install and must be stable. This is not exatcly a bad thing however
for every tech support issue we avoid, there is one more customer who does not have to be frustrated.
CC did cost (OK,
is costing) a good amount of money to develop, and MWP is paid to man the CC forum.
2) CC is actually quite new in the history of LCD software. For years we have sold LCDs without any "official" software. Even now some people choose to use software other than CC.
3) CC is not done. There is more to come. We have not even gotten to 1.0 yet. Post your suggestions in the
Requested Features for CrystalControl thread (after reading it to see make sure they are not already on the list please), and then wait. We will do our best to meet any reasonable feature requests.
4) I do not know what we will do with the splash screen. We may leave it there, make it optional, or take it away. Maybe make it optional only is a CF serial display is selected. Lots of options. We will come up with something. In any case, it is probably going to stay exactly as it is through the 0.x series and in 1.0.
We hope you like CC, and we hope it is useful to you.