CF633 ATX Power - stay on while lost power


New member
Hello Guy,

I use CF633 that set ATX Power function. I got some problem while the system lost power by any accident. When the power back, LCD stay in OFF mode. I need to set it in ON mode while power come back after lost power.

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CF Tech

Thank you for your post.

The CFA-633 cannot automatically power your system back on after a power failure.

This operation can be set in the BIOS of many PCs. Perhaps you solve the probelm by setting your BIOS?


New member
At this moment, I use your LCD with proprietary board and custom ATX power supply which match function with your LCD panel. So, I cannot set BIOS for stay on mode.

In your document, at "LCD_OFF_IF_HOST_IS_OFF" may apply for fix my problem or not? Any circuit need to change for support this function.

Please help for this case.

CF Tech

Since the +5vSB is always on, and the CFA-633 is powered by the +5vSB in ATX configuration, it looks silly when the computer is off and the LCD is on.

LCD_OFF_IF_HOST_IS_OFF controls whether the display looks "off" when the +5v goes away (the PC is off).

Is this a single system you are building, or some kind of a product you are going to manufacture in volume? We could modify the firmware to do what we want (we have built a custom module that does exactly that), but the cost to do custom firmware is prohibitive for a single system.