We've just received our 634 and are now programing our own software for the display.
I've seen that it is possible to draw big numbers on the display and I read in the documentation (634full.pdf) how it's done for 4x4 and 4x3 characters.
Problem: I just tried JC's CPU Big Num example in CC2 and saw that it is possible to show numbers just 2 rows in height and 1 character in width (2x1). That's marvelous but unfortunatly I can't find any documentation on that... ?
What commands do I have to send to display such kind of numbers?
Best regards
We've just received our 634 and are now programing our own software for the display.
I've seen that it is possible to draw big numbers on the display and I read in the documentation (634full.pdf) how it's done for 4x4 and 4x3 characters.
Problem: I just tried JC's CPU Big Num example in CC2 and saw that it is possible to show numbers just 2 rows in height and 1 character in width (2x1). That's marvelous but unfortunatly I can't find any documentation on that... ?
What commands do I have to send to display such kind of numbers?
Best regards
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