wiring question *pic warning*


New member
Hi all,
first sorry for the n00b questions but hey I havent got a clue, my first lcd so im at a loss.
I was given a CFAH2002A-TMI-JP from a mate as payment for money he owed.

I have had a look at the stickies etc looking for a way and means to wire this baby up and get it working.

Mine has this black plug thing on the side, the others I have seen have a serial port!

What do I need to do? Are there other parts that I am missing that are needed?

Again sorry for the n00b questions but hey you will never know unless you ask.


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New member
Hi CF Tech,
umm either serial or usb is fine by me.
I just want to get this baby up and running
Is there any other info I need to supply?


CF Tech


Well, it is neither serial or USB. I was looking for something like "embedded" or "PC". Since both serial and USB are typical PC interfaces, I'm going to make the jump that you want this for your PC.

Connecting an LCD module to a PC's parallel port is a dicy proposition. One "false move" on these displays (and there are plenty of moves you need to make to make it work) can let out the magic smoke and turn it into a paper weight.

For PCs we recommend & fully support our drive bay kits.

The display was purchased under our "parallel policy" so the amount of support we can offer is limited.

As far as connecting a CFAH* to a PC, about all we can offer is:

Good wiring guides for HD44780 compatible LCD's can be found:








You also need to check the data sheet for the backlight current and voltage, and then use this thread as a guide to calculate the backlight resistor.


New member
Thanks for that CF Tech,
I contacted my mate and asked for a circut diagram off him .. seeming he was going to use it. This is what he sent me.

He also said that I need a resistor at the VB+ pin.
What size resistor do I ned there?

and thanks for the help so far.


CF Tech

yosh wrote: He also said that I need a resistor at the VB+ pin. What size resistor do I ned there?

That is what this bit is about:

CF Tech wrote: You also need to check the data sheet for the backlight current and voltage, and then use this thread as a guide to calculate the backlight resistor.