Winamp screen change


New member
How can I configure CrystalControl that when Winamp launches it will automatically change to another screen and when Winamp closes it will change back to the original screen?
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New member
yep thanx i managed to figure it out, also the "alternate options" are kind of cryptic i just tried each one until it worked.


New member
There's a bug there

When mIRC is opened, Crystalcontrol detect it as Winamp.

so If mIRC is opened, there is no data on the LCD.. quite anoying


New member
Got another bug for you!

I configured my Display to show date and time if Winamp is not running and all the neat stuff as soon as Winamp IS running via the alternate-Option.

This all works fine in normal operation, but as soon as I "LOCK" the workstation and unlock it again or logoff and log back on (NOT restart), on this one display the "alternate" is suddenly unchecked, hence the display acts strangely.

Is there a way to fix it?

CC 1.07, WinXP Pro Engl. SP1a


New member
I also encountered the same problem. For some reason after some time (a random amount) the screen changes from my regular screen to the Winamp screen and turns off alternate, is there a fix for that?:confused:
Using CC 1.07