Hi, I know this thread is old, but maybe someone's still interested in figuring it out..

so, I've made measurements on the board, and by viewing the signals on the oscilloscope, I've come up with this : pins 1 and 2 are Vcc and Vss, pins 3,4,5 and 6 are the "mystery" pins and 7, 8 are + / - for the backlight. Now, for the "mystery" pins, I have 2 of them that are under continuous voltage and the other 2 that are under pulse voltage, respectively one clock and one random pulse, in synch with the clock - meaning SCL / SDA (in my opinion..). The other 2 pins could be Enable and Contrast. Now, the problem is that I don't know the steps in coding the driver for a serial display (this one in particular).. Does anyone have any idea ?.. I'm pretty enthusiastic that I'm very close in cracking it and it would make for a nice display to scrap