I'm new to electronics and I have a simple question. I was looking at the 634 USB LCD and on the image I could clearly see a serial port, but where is the USB port? This is the backview image I'm referring to: http://www.crystalfontz.com/products/634usb/index.html
Will any soldering or additional parts be involved in order to connect the display to a USB port on a computer? Also, I saw a C source code file that is available for download. If I connect the LCD to a serial port on my computer and compile and execute the source code (after installing the driver) will I be able to write the test message to the LCD?
I'm new to electronics and I have a simple question. I was looking at the 634 USB LCD and on the image I could clearly see a serial port, but where is the USB port? This is the backview image I'm referring to: http://www.crystalfontz.com/products/634usb/index.html
Will any soldering or additional parts be involved in order to connect the display to a USB port on a computer? Also, I saw a C source code file that is available for download. If I connect the LCD to a serial port on my computer and compile and execute the source code (after installing the driver) will I be able to write the test message to the LCD?
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