Toshiba LTM10C272S


New member
My old Sony PCG-505GX laptop died and sony wanted about $790 to fix i decided to have them send it back to me, and i proceeded to take it apart.

I discovered that the LCD screen seems to be a Toshiba LTM10C272S (and i verified this by looking on google to see several sites listing my laptop's screen type as that). What i think is video input to the screen is a 14 pin cable. (there's a separate cable for backlight power) Doing a little more research online, i found that a 15-pin VGA connector has 14 active pins, one that is not connected.

Is it at all possible that the LCD screen takes a standard VGA connection?
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New member
that's good..

you wouldn't happen to know where i could find that info, would you? i suppose i could just try different combos but that takes time and i'm lazy :)


New member
well i have some really really old cards and a pentium 90 that i wouldn't mind losing :) i would mind losing the screen so i'll do a bit more searching before i resort to that