I am having a strange problem with my 635. I have made a lot of changes to the original test code for the 635. The odd part is when I first turn my computer on and plus the 635 in and try to run my code (writes text to the display) I get Timed out waiting for a response. Which is the timeout error from the test code. I test for a time out after each line of text I write to the display. I can try running my program over and over with no success. But if I run the original 635 test program it will work fine. Then after I have run the original 635 test program I can run my program with no problem.
Any ideas?
BTW both programs give me a success for opening the usb port at 115200. I am running both as root. The program must be running because the time out error is reported, just nothing seems to be making it to the LCD. I have to run the original program then mine works fine.
Any ideas?
BTW both programs give me a success for opening the usb port at 115200. I am running both as root. The program must be running because the time out error is reported, just nothing seems to be making it to the LCD. I have to run the original program then mine works fine.
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