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New member

New version available at

Source can be found here .

E-mail problems should be fixed now. I haven't used it myself so i wasn't aware that it didn't work too good. I also fixed an overflow error that occured after 2140MB net sent or received.

E-mail screen now tells you how many new e-mails there are in the mailbox.

edit: ShadowPeo, i put in support for dual CPU load monitoring. I discarded "CPU and mem load" and instead put more options in the MBM 1 and MBM 2 configuration. CPU speed, CPU 1 load, CPU 2 load and Mem load is now i those two screens. I don't know how CPU speed behaves with dual CPUs. I'm not sure CPU 1 load and CPU 2 load works since i only have computers with one CPU to test on.
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New member
version 4.10 is good (I like the added flexibilty of more mbm options)


I really would like to see the Mem load, and CPU load put back in as a seperate item again (I find it useful to be able to monitor those as well as everything else)

As I see it, although the extra mbm settings are cool, I'm losing the extra screen for the mem/cpu load.


New member
Third update today :)

I've added one more MBM screen now and some other stuff, this is what i wrote in the version history:

-Added another MBM screen
-4 HDDs can be monitored instead of 2. If user enables
monitoring of HDD3 or HDD4 there are two screens, one
showing HDD1 and HDD2 and another screen showing
HDD3 and HDD4.
-Added network current transer rate monitoring.



New member
Just a few observations about 4.20

Nice job Ghoast :)

The 3rd mbm screen was spot on :)

I *think* the old email prob is gone (I havent been able to reproduce it)

One thing which does need looking at is:
the drives thing:
4 drives to view is cool (I have enough partitions to do that)

Currently they ALL say 26% free (C, D, E, F)

They actually are like this:
Drive size info for drive C: ...
Total space: 9,991.59MB
Free space: 2,559.85MB (26%)
Used space: 7,431.74MB (74%)
Drive size info for drive D: ...
Total space: 9,991.59MB
Free space: 2,959.13MB (30%)
Used space: 7,032.46MB (70%)
Drive size info for drive E: ...
Total space: 9,286.3MB
Free space: 8,659.26MB (93%)
Used space: 627.05MB (7%)
Drive size info for drive F: ...
Total space: 14,301.72MB
Free space: 10,755.16MB (75%)
Used space: 3,546.55MB (25%)

I Think there might be a bug there, when you moved from 2 drives to 4


New member

Forget my last post.
MY mistake,
I very stupidly had all the drives reporting on C:
which IS only 26% free...

I corrected it, so that they report on C, D, E, F and its fine.

my apologies.


New member
i'm glad it wasn't a bug, mistake reports are better than bug reports

edit: hm..the reply was meant to be posted once, nm.
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New member
Yes, I did.

My previous post was about version 1.4.2 (hopefully the most current)

it's stable, and is working perfectly (including email) on my system

1 CPU AMD 1400 on Windows XP


New member
I tried it and I loved it..I use it all the time now. The only thing I would say would be possibly to offer another one or two more MBM options..that would be great. Other than that I love it and it is the main program I use great job. Oh yeah, since it appears as you have a good knowledge of programming for these do you know of any programs or could you possibly develop a program which can be used while playing multiplayer games such as Quake 3, Soldier of Fortune, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, etc..which will post info such as your score and other peoples scores and stuff. The last part was just a question..but pertaining to the program you made..I love it and I won't use any is perfect..just what I wanted.


New member
First I want to say this program is great. I've downloaded and installed the latest version in WinXP. Runs like a champ. But, there's always a but, I can't get it to work in Win2000. When I install it it says some system files are out of date and need to be updated. So they get updated and then it says I must restart to begin the installation. After I restart and run the setup, the same messages appear. So I get stuck in and endless loop where my system files 'supposedly' get updated each time. Could you help me solve this problem?
As for program options, I would also like the ability to display 4 items on the lcd, 2 per line. Such as Temp 1 and Temp 2 on line 1 and Temp 3 and Temp 4 on line 2. And not just temperatures, all of the options in the program. This way instead of 6 separate, maybe only 3 or 4 would have to rotate x number of seconds.
Mike H


New member
When you install it in win2000, is it possible to ignore that message you mentioned and continue the installation? If it is, then i suggest you try that.


New member
If I hit cancel when it suggests updating the sytem files, the setup will just exit. If I hit OK, it asks if I want to restart to restart the setup progam, but when I do, I get the same message. And if I hit cancel the setup program exits without installing.
There seems to be nothing I can do to get it to work. I don't know if it's any of the background programs running, those other than the ones that would show up in the tray, or registry 'settings'
Mike H


New member
Heres is what I do to get around the problem.

Unzip the LCDStats zip.

Unzip the LCDStats cab file

Copy the unzipped cab to program files

Make ashortcut to the LCDStats.exe

Use the program.



I think its the installer program, remember when you changed it a while back, that stopped all of that from happening.


New member

This is without a doubt the best, most bug-free LCD software I have installed to date. Great Job!

Runing your most recent version on XP Pro with an AthlonXP 1600+ and a CF 2x16 and it is flawless.
