I've got a project using an CFAH1602D-YYH-ET with the ST7066U controller.
It is driven in 4-bit parallel mode from a PIC18F microcontroller running at 5V.
I have it working and displaying OK, but have to run the init sequence twice to get it going.
I am religiously following the init sequence as described on 25/42 of the v2.1 spec sheet.
All my delays are at least 1.5x the required minimum.
I've verified the sequence using a logic analyzer, and all the bit states and timing are as expected.
I can live with running the init sequence twice, but I'd like to understand what I'm doing wrong, since I want my project to be completely reliable.
A few questions/thoughts
- Dean
I've got a project using an CFAH1602D-YYH-ET with the ST7066U controller.
It is driven in 4-bit parallel mode from a PIC18F microcontroller running at 5V.
I have it working and displaying OK, but have to run the init sequence twice to get it going.
I am religiously following the init sequence as described on 25/42 of the v2.1 spec sheet.
All my delays are at least 1.5x the required minimum.
I've verified the sequence using a logic analyzer, and all the bit states and timing are as expected.
I can live with running the init sequence twice, but I'd like to understand what I'm doing wrong, since I want my project to be completely reliable.
A few questions/thoughts
- Is there any errata to the spec sheet (I'm using the v2.1 spec sheet from this page).
- I am using the indicated delays rather than checking the Busy Flag. Perhaps I need to do both?
- I'm confused by the comments in the spec that state you must wait at least 80uS before checking the BF. That seems odd, since most commands are spec'd to take only 37uS. Is the BF only useful for the Clear & Home commands that can take 1.52mS?
- Is there an additional delay (beyond 37uS) needed after the last step of the init sequence? I assume not, since after the "Function Set" part of the init sequence, the rest appear to be regular commands.
- I've left DB0-DB3 floating. Do they need to be tied high or low for reliable operation, or is floating OK?
- Dean
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