serial LCD idea - center text


New member
i'm not sure how good of an idea this is, but i think it would be nice :)

..i've been trying to figure out how to word this...

when you try to center text on a LCD, depending on the amount of characters, it can appear to be too far left or right by 1 character. it would be nice if you could move text to the right by half a character (utilizing the pixels between characters) so as to make it exactly centered.

possibility for future version or no?

also, i'm sure you guys have thought of this, but it'd also be nice if when you did a pixel-by-pixel scroll, the letters scrolled on too rather than just appearing and disappearing on either end
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CF Mark

The 632 and 634 serial LCDs can do this, but only if the software allows for it.

If your talking about CrystalControl, itll be supported at a later date.

CF Tech

also, i'm sure you guys have thought of this, but it'd also be nice if when you did a pixel-by-pixel scroll, the letters scrolled on too rather than just appearing and disappearing on either end
For the 16x2, that is the way it works already :) . For the 20x4, the left half of a character scrolling off the left side shows up on the right side, so you pretty much need to blank it :( .


New member
CrystalControl Admin said:
The 632 and 634 serial LCDs can do this, but only if the software allows for it. i've looked through the 634 manual, and i can see how you can make it scroll pixel-by-pixel, but not just stay in one place and use the pixels between characters.

CF Tech

You have to get the LCD controller data and then use command 30. Lots of fun (and terror) can be had with command 30:

"Invert" the text areas of the display:

Restore the text areas to normal:

Write and request the "632/634 LCD controller data sheet" for more info.


New member
thanks for the sheet :) i would have replied earlier but i've been rather busy...but i did figure out what i needed