meklubba said:
I'm just curious to know when the much eagerly awaited screen editor will be released?
About the only thing I can say is to be patient. It took 4 months to get the SCAB GUI interface, 635 plug-in and some other very important features working to perfection.
Editing the text screen files (and cc2_service.ini file) gets easier as you play with them.
In the mean time, you might consider some other features that really have not been mentioned with this release, for example:
- Programming the 635 LED's
- Full support for the keypad. You can control 1 module with the keypad of another module, for example.
- Full keyboard support. I use my keyboard to turn on/off the modules.
- Event flags. Many of us Beta testers use events to change to a Winamp screen, with keypad commands specific to that screen only.
- The GUI interface for the temp control is superb. I do not have a 633, however, I do have 2 SCAB modules (attached to a 631 and 635). If you want to control fans, this is the only way to go.
I am sure I missed several other new features. I know that daks or reider will remind me (and tell you) what I have forgot.
If you all want to know how it is done, ask what you want and I am sure we can provide the code to get it done. Just don't ask for the impossible!
Again, be patient. Let a few of suffer thru the bugs and problems, so that when the GUI screen editor is released, it will be as perfect as this version is.