Question on ordering and 635 5'35 SLED


New member
I'm building a 5.25 bay device and need a 3.3V serial LCD to simplify things. The option with 635 series SLEDs appear to be a good match but I got a few questions:

1) I would like more detail on the layout of the sled and any screw mount offset locations so I can plan my PCB accordingly.
2) The policy page states that international orders can't use credit cards for orders greater than USD100, but wire transfer for my bank charges about USD30 just to make a transfer. Given that the combination of black sled with yellow LCD comes out to about USD110 before shipping is there anyway I can pay that with credit card? Considering that I would probably get charged another USD40 just for shipping as I'm in New Zealand I would like as little overhead as possible.
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CF Tech

About the credit card, please write and hopefully they can come to some solution that will work for you (Sorry, but we do not use the public forum for financial discussion.)

For the screw mounting locations, I think we can send you a drawing of the SLED that is dimensioned. Ummmm for that we need you to write and ask for SLED mechanical drawings.

Did you mean 3.3v? The CFA-635 is rated at 5.0v (it is originally designed for USB). Only the CFA-533 is rated at 3.3v.


New member
Yes 3.3V as I will be using the ATMEL XMEGA. The datasheet for the 635 does indicate that it would recognize 2.1V as logic high so I figured I can talk with it at 3.3V. For 635->XMEGA I'll use a voltage divider. I can always use a level shifter chip on my PCB as there is plenty of space.

CF Tech

OK, if you get a "KL" variant, and have separate 5v power available, I think the CFA-635 should hear 0v to 3.3v signals OK.