PLED to USB question


New member
Right now I have a 632 LCD USB module...Is it possible to take one of your PLED boards like the CFAP1602B-Y-ECS 16x2 board and unplug the 632's LCD module and insert the PLED board? That would effectively make a USB PLED board. Thanks for you feedback.
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CF Tech

No--the CFA-632 is not a standard module attached to a converter board. There is no practical way to replace the LCD on a CFA-632 with a PLED.


New member
Do any of your USB LCD modules have a standard HD44780 interface that could be adapted to work with the PLED displays?

Are you planning on producing a USB PLED display? I see that matrix oribital has one, but they are kookoo for cocoapuffs on the price (as most of their prices are).


CF Tech

No, all of ours our integrated.

You can give these guys a shot:

I think it should work with a PLED (no guarantees), but you will be much more limited on software options (for instance, CC2 will not work with it).

If it is for a mod, it is pretty hard to beat a CFA-635 for features
, but it is still a bit spendy