Parallel Color Codes?


New member
Ok, I bought a parallel LCD from you guys a few months ago, and am finally getting around to hooking it up :D. I am planning on making the cable, but it's a molded cable. So onto my question: Is there a standard color code for the wires in a parallel cable? If yes, what are they? If not, what's the best way to find out which wire is which? I don' t have any testing equipment, but could rig something up. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
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CF Mark

Youll just have to cut the wire, strip all the individual wires and then test then individualy to see which pin they connect to at the DB25 connector end.

Long and annoying job that is :(


New member
So I hit the shack up today. They wanted $25 for a continuity meter. So what I did is buy a small lightbulb, a lightbulb terminal, a battery terminal, and some small alligator clips. Cost was about $5 and it worked better than the clumsy probes would have. Got most of the wires soldered and realized that i was reading the schematic wrong, so I'll start over tomorrow :eek: .


New member
Oh! I actually got it working without breaking anything! Thanks for the help, that writeup was very helpful. And purdy colors too! Black with Red text, I like it! Now to mount it in the case....