n00b - Customize my boot screen - HELP!


New member
Hey guys,

I just recieved my Crystalfontz 634 LCD. This thing is awesome and I am loving it. But I had some questions which I knew you guys would answer.

1) I want to put something like my name on the boot screen and want it to scroll across the screen when my computer is starting up. How do I do that?

2) I saw some people with the time on their displays in real large characters; as large as their screens. How can I do that?

Please guys treat me like your little brother and help me out :).
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CF Mark

1) You can do it with WinTest for serial displays which is avaliable on this site. First you have to get the screen to display what you want, then use the command to get the 634 to store it.

2) With other software... CrystalControl cannot do it.


New member
Another problem I ahve is that the ping and the number of deaths for Half Life (Counter Strike) doesn't work. It show a number but it is always 0. I don't know if that is my comp or crystal control. I need with that help too.

CF Mark

I said "Halflife doesnt supply that information" not that all games CC supports dont supply that information.

The info box for the selected item says which games support it.