I have a suggestion... Allow basic logical expressions to be used to create display data on the fly.
For example. I have a water cooling system which has an electronic water flow sensor installed which is connected to a fan header on my motherboard. the sensor outputs an average tach pulse equal to about 3500 rpm or so...
The sensor doesn't read the actual sensor RPMs. The output is nonetheless useful as it indicates that the pumps are functioning and water is flowing. Should the pumps cut out, or the activation circuit fail, and water flow stops, the sensor would read zero, and MBM5 would then shut the system down.
If a logical expression such as
IF 'Fan Speed - Water Pump' > 3500
IF 'Fan Speed - Water Pump' < 3500 AND > 1500
IF 'Fan Speed - Water Pump' < 1500 AND > 0
In the above example, which I formatted for ease of reading, but could easily be applied to a single line, "Fan Speed - Water Pump" is the name of the MBM5 Fan Speed in CC, the "NORMAL", "DEGRADED" and "DANGER!" are what the user wants displayed. Otherwise this is VERY basic (and BASIC like) logical programming code, so I am sure anyone could quickly utilize and apply it. Of course, implementing a handler is clearly a little more work, but I think it could be well worth the effort.
Eric PRuss
I have a suggestion... Allow basic logical expressions to be used to create display data on the fly.
For example. I have a water cooling system which has an electronic water flow sensor installed which is connected to a fan header on my motherboard. the sensor outputs an average tach pulse equal to about 3500 rpm or so...
The sensor doesn't read the actual sensor RPMs. The output is nonetheless useful as it indicates that the pumps are functioning and water is flowing. Should the pumps cut out, or the activation circuit fail, and water flow stops, the sensor would read zero, and MBM5 would then shut the system down.
If a logical expression such as
IF 'Fan Speed - Water Pump' > 3500
IF 'Fan Speed - Water Pump' < 3500 AND > 1500
IF 'Fan Speed - Water Pump' < 1500 AND > 0
In the above example, which I formatted for ease of reading, but could easily be applied to a single line, "Fan Speed - Water Pump" is the name of the MBM5 Fan Speed in CC, the "NORMAL", "DEGRADED" and "DANGER!" are what the user wants displayed. Otherwise this is VERY basic (and BASIC like) logical programming code, so I am sure anyone could quickly utilize and apply it. Of course, implementing a handler is clearly a little more work, but I think it could be well worth the effort.
Eric PRuss
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