i am new to graphic lcdsand have bought the CFAG160x160 Crystalfontz Graphic LCD Module
i am interfacing it to a Atmel ATMEGA 32 microcontroller
i basically just need to have it display text using the internal character generator
i have started to write code for it in C but have run into many problems. All i have on the screen is a few vertical lines.
here is a bit of my code for the mode control
any help would be great, thanks
i am new to graphic lcdsand have bought the CFAG160x160 Crystalfontz Graphic LCD Module
i am interfacing it to a Atmel ATMEGA 32 microcontroller
i basically just need to have it display text using the internal character generator
i have started to write code for it in C but have run into many problems. All i have on the screen is a few vertical lines.
here is a bit of my code for the mode control
void modecontrol(void)
PORTC = 0x00; //write 00H into instruction reg//
PORTA |= 0x08; //RS=1 instruction
PORTC = 0x30; //display on, master, Char Mode, Built-in CG//
PORTA &= ~0x08; //RS=0 data
void lcdenable(void)
PORTA &= ~0x02; //Enable pin low//
asm volatile ("nop");
PORTA |= 0x02; //Enable pin high//
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