Is it possible to layer multiple lcd displays?

CF Tech

I use Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

It might take some porting to get it to the latest & greatest version.
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New member
The express version 2005, microsoft gives out seems to lack many of the header files needed to compile Cfax Wintest. Is there another version of VC ++ which can be downloaded which includes these files? I am having difficulty finding all these missing header files online. Is there some resource where I can find these? Thanks

CF Tech

I can't give you the headers, since they are part of the copyrighted tools.

Try this approach:

1) comment out the header include lines that it complains about

2) see which functions give errors

3) find out where those functions are in the current version, or what they have been replaced by

4) add in the appropriate new header and modify the function call

5) repeat until no errors


New member
As much as I try to build a CFAX_WINTEST program I keep stumbling upon a link error. (fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'IA64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86') I am using the Vsiual C++ 2005 Express edition. I have tested it and built some test progams and they have work but I cannot get CFAX_WINTEST to work.
THanks in advance

CF Tech

Are you on a 64-bit machine? A 64-bit OS? It sounds like there is some 32-bit/64-bit mismatch on some libraries.


New member
I am on what I believe to be a 32bit machine, AMD XP, and os, WIndows xp. It does seem that I have 64 bit lib files instead of 32 bit. From what I've heard c++ 2005 express can't do 32bit mfc code. Maybe there is another compiler I can use. (possibly also free)
I'm going to look into it a bit more.
Thanks again.


New member

So far I have two set up like this, the most logical way with the demo boards. For a third display I will need a longer zif cable. I used things lying around to prop up the displays. If you notice the two polarized films are the fronts of them. Strangely enough when I had a front polarized filter and a back polarized filter around both displays a negative image was formed on both, the fronts ones kept a positive image. I forgot tot take a picture of that.

Here is a poor photo of the images displaying a sample image, I need to correct the image since i wasn't planning on having the displays reversed, and set it up so the background has more contrast.

This is what the image is supposed to be.
Interesting. Wouldn't it be easier to separate the two demo boards, and have the two displays lying flat, overlapping, in the space between the boards? Then you'd need a flat backlight source.

CF Tech

You probably can find the same pitch and number of conductors on a standard cable through Digi-Key. With some back-to back connectors you could probably rig up some sort of extension.

Ideally you could just make a test board with "N" connectors in a row, and have a micro on that board drive the correct image out each connector.