In Win98SE CrystalControl states PDH.DLL not found


New member
In Win98SE, CrystalControl won't start & states PDH.DLL not found.

CrystalControl works great under WinXP, but not under my Win98SE partition. I searched the forum archive, and it seems PDH.DLL is an NT4/2000/XP element.

I develop software that supports Win98 through XP, so I spend a lot of time debugging in both environments.

Anyone have suggestions on what I can tweak to fix this? I 'd really Really REALLY like my new & very cool 634 to work under both O/S! :)

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New member
More info... CrystalControl v1.03 works fine in Win98 on the 634.

I'm up & runnin in both 98 & XP now, but just thought you'd like the heads up.