If your CC2 service keeps dying, check this out.


For those of you who have had the CC2 service stop working.

I recently had a this happen to me with my computer that has a 635 and 633 attached. I deleted some screens on the 635 that I no longer needed. I restarted CC2 and 5-10 seconds later, the service stopped. Restarted again and same thing. I reordered a few screens and... same problem.

I restarted the computer and... same problem.

Then I noticed... There was no Starting Screen for the 635. It was blank. I am sure that the Starting Screen was one of the screens I had deleted. Anyway, chose a screen for the Starting Screen and all was OK.

This was with the 20070812/928 release (most current).

So... If this happens to you, you might want to check the Starting Screen box in the Configuration program. I can't say if this is the problem that some people have been having, but it is at least something to check.
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