I/O driver crash in XP Pro


New member
I saw this crash about 4 times today:

STOP 0x0000004E PFN_LIST_CORRUPT (followed by many lines of MS doublespeak.)

When I read the Knowledge Base article about it http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;Q291806&, I assumed it was the buggy driver from MBM, so I replaced it this last time and rebooted. We'll see how it goes.

Am I thinking along the right lines? Or should I be looking for something else here? I also run the PC Tach from Xoxide, and their homemade CPU meter software might be involved as well...I just thought I'd ask here forst n case this was obvious to everyone but me. :)
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CF Mark

The problem that occurs with the normal MBM IO driver, and DLPortIO oly occours when software using these drivers start and stop.

When did they happen?


New member
In the past few hours it has not happened, but:

I could reproduce it at will if I ran CC, MBM, the Xoxide CPU Meter driver and did anything that pegged the CPU at 100%. Opening Photoshop 7 did it, as did opening Ulead Vid Studio 6.

Once it happened when I clicked on a link and it began to load, but that might have been a fluke.

CF Mark

Hmmm, ok.

Well i havnt heard of the problem before with CC and MBM, so i have to assume it has somthing to do with the Xoxide CPU meter.

Does it use an IO driver?


New member
Actually I have an update. Kind of catastrophic.

During the day I had repeated crashed with the PFN_LIST_CORRUPT error and win32k.sys both causing BSODs.

At one point, it began corrupting files that were open at the time of the crash...first my Photoshop prefs directory, then the dat file in McAffee, then other things like one of my Eudora in-boxes...corrupting them unreadable so I couldn't even delete them and start over.

Lond story short, I disabled *EVERYTHING.* I rebooted with the absolute bare minimum services and drivers. I started CC. Within a half hour, I got the PFN_LIST error again. Three times.

I got fairly frustrated and have now reformatted and reinstalled XP. :)

I'm going to lay off the Xoxide software and most other things, an see if it's stable. Believe me, I don't blame you guys or anything, I have a lot of crap running, I'm sure two things are simply fighting it out.

CF Mark

Oh well, needs it be done every so often anyway.
I hope you didnt loose anything vital.

Good lucky this time around.


New member
Just an update...

I did a full reinstall of XP on a fresh HD, and installed CC. When it ran for 6 hours with no problem, I reinstalled MBM, used the replacement mbmiodrvr.sys, and let it run overnight successfully. I then reinstalled the Xoxide software and they're playing nice together for about 12 hours now with no trouble at all.

I'm guessing part of the problem was my original HD was acting up...I found some bad sectors.

I'm back in love with CC. :)