Help Please: International Shipping


New member
Me from australia and want a crsytalfontz display is there anyone is australia what sell your products, probably not so how much will it cost for me to buy one with postage and cam you please tell me max postage size they come in and the weight so i can get a idea on posting costs. Thanks
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CF Tech

Thanks for your question. We are happy to ship product directly to Australia. We have a page that allows you to find out what the shipping would be by using the FedEx shipping calculator:

The boxes we use for small orders are generally about 9.5" x 6.5" x 4.5" for brackets or 10" x 8.5" x 2.75" for a one or two displays plus a cable. A single display will come in at the 1lb rate, a display plus the bracket comes in at the 2lb rate.


New member
Just wondering how you went AMD machine. I too have been looking around OZ for similar products. At the moment the price of the aussie dollar makes it really prohibitive to import anything. EG with the $31 import (=>$55 US) & the actual price of the goods miminum of $35 (=>$60). It seems pretty expensive.
I've been pricing similar LCD's in Australia so I'd appreciate it if you informed me of how you went. Obviously, for case mods, crsytal fonts seems the way to go but I just wish there was a reseller in Australia/NZ to keep the price down a bit.


CF Tech


If you are both in Australia and wanted to work together, we could ship to one address and you could sort it out from there. Orders 2 lbs and under are $30.00 via FedEx International, our international carrier. Orders up to 10 pounds are $70, for reference.

If this is something you would be interested in, please email us for arrangements.


New member
i am curious about purchasing an LCD as well but have not found anybody in my area that sells the crystalfontz lcds (i would prefer one of yours) do you have any place in the Vancouver area of Canada BC that carries your product? btw, i am not interested in having one mail ordered. the shipping costs and wait just make mail order far more of an annoyance than i find it's worth.

CF Tech

Hello Osmosis -

Thanks for your interest in Crystalfontz displays.

We are a direct company and do not have resellers or distributors. This allows us to keep our pricing as low as possible and our quality of service high.

We offer shipping to Canada via Ground ($15) or FedEx Express ($23.00). For more details, please see our shipping policies for Canada.


New member
thanks, but if i can't pick it up around here i either wouldnt bother or see if i can find different display. pity really, i think your LCDs are superior.