Graphical hd44780 wiring

hi i've just got a Graphical LCD with the hitachi chip from work FREE :)
BUT... i can't find a wiring diagram anywhere
can anyone help ?
software advise would be nice too

please email me if you reply so i know to return and check :)
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CF Tech

A graphical display will not have a HD44780 on it. The HD44780 is a character controller only.

Please see if you can get the controller number, and then you might be able to find a data sheet.


New member
He probably means HD61104 (i have one right here). I'd also much like advice on connecting it and such.. I've already posted a thread about it but it didn't give much unfortunately... here is my thread: You speak about a controller board.. I'd like schematics and if possible a board layout.... But frankly.. I shouldn't be asking for anything.. I'm not even one of your customers. I'd like to be but i don't believe in having to pay $30 just for getting the display shipped.
Very sorry about the large HTML Mr Fontz but it's the best way to show the table for pinout of the LCD

All i can find out is it's a JM12232A

Thanks for the help :)

<title>Graphic LCD pinout</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<div align="center">
<p> </p><table width="51%" border="1">
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">PIN</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">SYMBOL</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">SIGNAL DESCRIPTION</div>
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">1</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">Vss</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">GND</div>
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">2</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">Vdd</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">Power Supply</div>
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">3</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">Vee</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">Poewr Supply for LCD</div>
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">4</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">A0</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">H : Display L : Instruction</div>
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">5</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">R/W</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">Read / Write<BR>
Read when "H". Write when "L"</div>
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">6</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">E1</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">Enable for IC1</div>
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">7</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">E2</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">Enable for IC2</div>
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">8</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">NC</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">No Connection</div>
<td width="12%" height="38">
<div align="center">9 to 16</div>
<td width="21%" height="38">
<div align="center">DB0 to DB7</div>
<td width="67%" height="38">
<div align="center">Data Bus for 8 bit Mode </div>
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">17</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">A</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">Anode of LED unit </div>
<td width="12%">
<div align="center">18</div>
<td width="21%">
<div align="center">K</div>
<td width="67%">
<div align="center">Cathode of LED unit </div>
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