Got me a 2x24char LCD for 9.95...


New member
And now im having a little truble wireing it up.

Not to help the fact that my soldering iron just died, I cant even figure out what brand the LCD is. The controler is HDD44780. on one side I have pins 1-14, no problems there. On the other side I have two spots with wires soldered on, and one of them needs to be +5v and the other is ground. Problem is I have no idea which is which, and i dont want to fry my LCD. Any ideas? Here is a pic of what I mean.

Edit woops linked the wrong pic :rolleyes:

I just need to know which one is +5v from above pic, and which is gnd.

And if anyone can figure out what company made it that would be great... heres a pic:

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New member
This is how it should be

1 = GRND

2 = V+

3 = Vo (contrast)

4 - 6 = RS, RW, E

7 - 16 are data pins

The two on the other side are usually for the backlight.


New member
Problem is the blacklight, which is ground and which is power... yellow and red wires. slightly unconventional, black shoulda been ground... :p



New member
If it is a LED backlight, hooking them up wrong will not hurt it. I wouldnt use a real high current power source to test.

LED = Light Emitting Diode

Diodes only let power through one way. It will block power the other way up to a certain amperage.

Are you sure it is not an EL backlight?

Did you try putting power to it? What happened?


New member
Turns out its not backlit at all :p but I did get it wired up, now my problem is getting a program to actually send data to it. It starts up with the top row of characters all blacked out, so im assuming thats the test screen.
