Here is what I'd like to do, please tell me if its possible. I would like to have 1 temperature sensor hooked up to the Crystal Control. Then I want 3 fans hooked up, and set markers in temperature on the probe, so at 35c 1 fan turns on, at 40 c 2 fans turn on, 45 c all 3 fans are on. Is this possible? And ideally I'd like the fan to just be on or off, not halfway on or anything (im really going to be using a relay to then turn on 2 fans).
Also is there any software that can do this in linux with the crystalfontz? (Will be a dual booting machine)
Is this possible?
Also is there any software that can do this in linux with the crystalfontz? (Will be a dual booting machine)
Is this possible?
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