E-mail Setup


New member
Can Someone please show me the correct format to setup my e-mail in CC?

Line 1: ~EMLSVR~
Line 2: ~EMLUSR~

my e-mail server is: mail.comcast.net

Whats the right format?

Please type an example:

thanks alot
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New member
this how mine is setup

Line1- ~EMLUSR~@cox.net
Line2- New Emails:~EMLNEW~
Line3- Subject:~EMLSUBJ~
Line4- From:~EMLFROM~

make sure you go into your settings screen and input your email sever info


New member

Thanks much Americanfreak...

I did what you said but i get the 19 error for some reason.

I'll mess with it some more.

I got it working! =)

Thanks alot, It juss took some time for it to see the mail server now it works great.
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