CrystalControl & non-Crystal LCD


New member
Is it possible for this to work? Does CrystalControl have ANY support for non-CrystalFontz, HD44780-compatible displays setup to use the serial port?

I read that it's possible to run HD44780 displays:

CFAH* / HD44780 LCDs connected to the PC's parallel port are supported by the CrystalControl software. However we do not recommend this method as an end solution, and there is NO technical support provided by Crystalfontz for this connection method.

Does this mean that all HD44780 setups are possible?
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New member
It's very possible to do. I don't have a crystalfontz-lcd (however i'd love to). As long as it's HD44780-compatible there's no problem doing it.


New member
So even if I use a HD44780 unit and wire it up to a serial port, then use a serial-USB converter (all non-Crystal), CrystalControl will still work? That's great! :D

Was it really going to cost $30 to ship to Sweden? Even at the cheapest rate?


New member
Not the serial port! HD44780 are for the parallell port...
Yup it cost $30 to sweden.. However a friend of mine has gone to usa for a year so i'll probably ask him to get one for me :) ..

CF Tech

Unless it looks exactly like a CF serial LCD or an HD44780 LCD from the software's point of view, it will not work with CrystalControl.

I do not think the natrium board implements the CF serial command set, so I doubt it would work.

I would also be surprised if a USB-> paralell adapter would work. It is possible but I doubt the drivers would be that flexible.