CrystalControl LCD Software & winamp Plugin


New member
Well 1 question. is there a way to make CrystalControl LCD Software like turn off if winamp opens seeing that i use a winamp plugin and not the CrystalControl LCD Software. Due to the fact that i like the spectrum analyzer from LCD Plugin 0.5 preview 4...


Please help me!
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New member
Thanks man...

Also dont know to ask you or anyone else. But I cant get VBLINK to install... keeps giving an error when i run the demo of it after the install..

please help


New member

"Grab hold of WinAmp VBLink by Software Cave! It enables you as Visual Basic programmer to create visualisation plugins for WinAmp, with ZERO knowledge of C or C++. We created a Visual Basic interface that enables you to read VU levels and equalizer values (both stereo of course) directly into you application, opening the world of creating visualisations to you, and enabling you to use the data however you want."