Crsytalcontrol 0.96 and SETICOMMANDER


New member

Is there any way to view the stats of seticommander 2.24 in crystalcontrol ?
I have error E16 after I have tried to choose the location of seticommader 2.24.

Thanks if anyone has a solution.
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New member
Yes it is something like setidriver, but I have read the other messages about problems with seti and others as setidriver and nothing does solve my problem.
Which file in seti directory Crystalcontrol need to read seti stats ?


New member
I have found these two files but when i set location of the good directory (where are the two files) I have always the E-16 error message. Seticommander uses seti@home command-line program V. 3.03. Is this version of seti compatible with crystalcontrol ? An other idea is that the last week seti@home has change the adresses of stats for all users. Is there an effect of this change on crystal control ? Perhaps this adress is in the two files that crystalcontrol use.