ControlCenter hack...


New member
Hi there, I'm glad to be here. I'm using a generic parallel 20x4 LCD, unfortunately, I found out about CrystalFontz after I had bought it. Now, I'm using CrystalControl software, which I must say is a work of art.
However, there are three minor glitches, which I have dealt with using some little hacking of my own.
One is there is no option to disable the splash screen at the startup of the program. I solved that by removing the spash bitmap data, making the splash window 1x1 pixels wide and making the delay 1 instead of 4200.
Second, the pop-up menu that pops when right-clicking the icon on the tray won't dissappear if you click on something else (suppose you right-click on the CC icon by accident); instead, you have to click something on the menu. That was solved by adding a dummy line on the pop-up menu that does nothing, but satisfies the program's need for something clicked.
Third, on the main settings window, there's no "Close" button; instead, you have to click on the "X" top-right button, which is quite small. That was solved by (surprise-surprise) adding a "Close" button.
Well, I did a little bit more hacking than that, but that's purely decorative, and there's no reason I should go into details. So, if the great (and I mean that) programmers over there should like to deal with these, then maybe it will make some people happier, besides me not having to hack into every new version of CrystalControl.
Thank you for your time!
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New member
Hmm, the option to disable the splash screen would be nice. And that menu thing is indead irritating. I always thought it was just me. It's still a great app though :)


New member
You do realise it's illegal to decompile and edit a compiled, copyrighted program don't you? After all the work that is put into this program its really not right to be posting here saying you have hacked it apart.

If you are going to reverse engineer the intelectual property of others then please keep it to yourself.


New member
Just to set things straight, I'd like to add a few comments. First of all, I did and will once more congratulate the guys over at CrystalFontz, for the great work they have done on the program. Then, the matterial I have 'hacked', the results and whatever data I may have collected are kept in my computer, and are for my own use. Moreover, it will not be given to anyone, and even I myself am not circulating the 'hacked' version to anyone save the authors, should they decide it's worth a peek. The reason I did it is purely for my own personal convenience (and maybe aesthetics); finally, I do not intend to use any matterial I acquired for making my own, competitive program. Besides, ControlCenter is freeware, plus there is plenty of sourcecode given away by CrystalFontz themselves; why should I bother getting the same code via reverse-engineering? The reason I posted it is merely to propose a couple of things, and to show how easily they could be implemented. Finally, I never saw a copyright message anywhere; not that its absence should make any difference to me. I am at the CrystalFontz disposal; should they think this post or my actions pose a threat to them, they're free to contact me and settle this (or take immediate legal action against me). After all, in my book using pirated software is a hundred times worse than what I did, which I never thought of as "theft of intellectual property".
Thank you for your time.


New member
I'm a software author myself - I don't see what you've done as wrong at all. Heck it's your copy. It's about like taking the batteries out of a gadget and wiring a DC converter. You didn't steal the design - you just made it work better for you.


New member
hey I just didn't want a hacked version developers software to be redistributed. Spock has made it clear that this wasn't his intention so its all good. Not quite shore when this became a "World VS Sentinel" issue jpsteinmetz. LOL.


Keep the great software coming! Sorry for the misunderstanding!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)