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Hi all, I´ve resently bought the 2*20 pled/oled display from a shop in sweden(where I do live).actually I´ve bought two, one for me and one for my friend. But both of us screwed up while wireing it up(excuse my, proberly, bad english, please). Because of a bad schematic my friend "mirrored" the Lpt(paralell)contact, but I made proberly a more worse mistake. I shift the 5v and the ground, and it had voltage on in about 3 sec before I shut it down. That resulted in a little "melty" wire. That is the wire from pin 1 on de oled to the lpt-contact, BUT in the middle of this wire there is a potensiometer(I hope it´s called so in english) and the "1-pin" wire from the oled to the potensiometer seems unharmed, only the "1-pin" wire from the potensiometer down to the lpt-contact is harmed.
My question is, could someone of those displays still be used or should I assume that they are dead. My own display(that I´ve switch 5v grnd), I cant really get working, but I dont know if it is because of software-problems.
And for those who want to know, when I´ve shift the 5v and grnd, the displayed lit up.... :S
I´ve attached the used schematic or just use this link:
My question is, could someone of those displays still be used or should I assume that they are dead. My own display(that I´ve switch 5v grnd), I cant really get working, but I dont know if it is because of software-problems.
And for those who want to know, when I´ve shift the 5v and grnd, the displayed lit up.... :S
I´ve attached the used schematic or just use this link:
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