I have the GLCD conected to a Atmel AVR ATmega32 Microcontroller. I created a basic character library.
I have trouble understanding the following instruction.
Display Start Line:
Z address AAAAAA ( binary ) of the display data RAM is set in the display start line
register and displayed at the top of the screen. Figure 2. shows examples of display ( 1/64 duty
cycle ) when the start line = 0-3. When the display duty cycle is 1/64 or more ( ex. 1/32, 1/24
etc. ), the data of total line number of LCD screen, from the line specified by display start line
instruction, is displayed
Is there a special initializing sequence to the GLCD?
I can display charactes on the top left corner row. Which I believe is starting from X-address = 0 and Y-address = 0 and ends at X-address = 0 and Y-address = 63. I can't get anything to display outside.
ex. when X-address = 5 or (CS2 = 0 and CS1 = 1)
I have the GLCD conected to a Atmel AVR ATmega32 Microcontroller. I created a basic character library.
I have trouble understanding the following instruction.
Display Start Line:
Z address AAAAAA ( binary ) of the display data RAM is set in the display start line
register and displayed at the top of the screen. Figure 2. shows examples of display ( 1/64 duty
cycle ) when the start line = 0-3. When the display duty cycle is 1/64 or more ( ex. 1/32, 1/24
etc. ), the data of total line number of LCD screen, from the line specified by display start line
instruction, is displayed
Is there a special initializing sequence to the GLCD?
I can display charactes on the top left corner row. Which I believe is starting from X-address = 0 and Y-address = 0 and ends at X-address = 0 and Y-address = 63. I can't get anything to display outside.
ex. when X-address = 5 or (CS2 = 0 and CS1 = 1)
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