Hi There,
Ive been browsing through your catalog looking for an LCD for a hobby project I am designing.
The project I want to build in simple terms is based around the microchip PIC16F series, and is a small handset style device that will be used to communicate with a Engine Computer. The idea is to query the computer for engine data (tempreture's, RPM and so on) and display mostly ASCII information on an LCD, but also Graph's, have audible alerts that can be user preset, LED's for both status & alerts, and finally have USART comm's to a PC so a PC can also query the engine computer by going via the Handset unit. I also have possibly plans to input additional analog sensors into the device in the future.
So I was here looking for a suitable minimum 4 line graphic LCD to begin prototyping with when I can across the CFA735. It was most interesting to me because it contained a small keypad as well as 4 LED's straight off the bat. Wonderful. The more I read into the unit however the more I realised it was designed to be implemented into a server/computer monitoring device.
So my question is, can the CFA735 come in a "bare bones" form? That is, LCD + Driver, Keypad & LED's? I would interface the PIC16F directly to those devices and use the CFA735 simply as a HID & Display.
OR can I modify the CFA735 extensively enough and utilize the ARM chip? I really like the sound of that, but I am unsure if H1 is the only I/O with the chip (I would need direct port access to communicate with the Engine computer, which simply streams HEX values for the requested parameter), and I would need to be able to modify the boot-loader (use my own preferably, enable encryption & design software for field upgrading) and also provide GPIO to switch transistors at user-preset values for functions such as sound an external buzzer at preset engine temp...
I know this application is left of field for what the CFA735 was designed for, if you think the above options are not practical then could you confirm exactly which LCD is used in the CFA735? I do like it, and I think its the CFAG19264D-TFH-VN but I am not sure.
If you need me to clarify anything please ask.
Ive been browsing through your catalog looking for an LCD for a hobby project I am designing.
The project I want to build in simple terms is based around the microchip PIC16F series, and is a small handset style device that will be used to communicate with a Engine Computer. The idea is to query the computer for engine data (tempreture's, RPM and so on) and display mostly ASCII information on an LCD, but also Graph's, have audible alerts that can be user preset, LED's for both status & alerts, and finally have USART comm's to a PC so a PC can also query the engine computer by going via the Handset unit. I also have possibly plans to input additional analog sensors into the device in the future.
So I was here looking for a suitable minimum 4 line graphic LCD to begin prototyping with when I can across the CFA735. It was most interesting to me because it contained a small keypad as well as 4 LED's straight off the bat. Wonderful. The more I read into the unit however the more I realised it was designed to be implemented into a server/computer monitoring device.
So my question is, can the CFA735 come in a "bare bones" form? That is, LCD + Driver, Keypad & LED's? I would interface the PIC16F directly to those devices and use the CFA735 simply as a HID & Display.
OR can I modify the CFA735 extensively enough and utilize the ARM chip? I really like the sound of that, but I am unsure if H1 is the only I/O with the chip (I would need direct port access to communicate with the Engine computer, which simply streams HEX values for the requested parameter), and I would need to be able to modify the boot-loader (use my own preferably, enable encryption & design software for field upgrading) and also provide GPIO to switch transistors at user-preset values for functions such as sound an external buzzer at preset engine temp...
I know this application is left of field for what the CFA735 was designed for, if you think the above options are not practical then could you confirm exactly which LCD is used in the CFA735? I do like it, and I think its the CFAG19264D-TFH-VN but I am not sure.
If you need me to clarify anything please ask.
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