CF 635 USB LCD and Linux...


New member
Hello there,

Just bought a Mini-ITX Fanless system that includes a CF 635 USB LCD and had some questions...

I want to set this machine as a Network Server Appliance. I chose this enclouser becuase it was fanless, used flash memory (cannot have many moving parts due to the enviroment it will be placed in), and a really great looking LCD with buttons.

I will be installing Linux on it with a minimal install that incorporates the ability for me to remotely manage it over HTTP. I need to program the buttons to allow basic commands to run. Is it possible to use the buttons to choose a pre-configured task (such as halt now or reboot) then run it? If so, what would be the the program you guys suggest? I really only need to be able to create a script, put it into a menu and have the LCD cotrol program execute the script when the user selects that option.

I tried reading some forum posts but I was getting some scattered information and was not too sure what I could expect.

I am a bit more advanced than a basic user. I can install, configure, and use Linux in a desktop or server situation. I am comfortable with reading scripts, but do not have alot of knowledge of C.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you,
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New member
Thank you for your reply.

I saw that CrystalControl 2 would support Linux after all the Windows stuff was done. This was in a post that was made about a year ago. I could not find any other information about CC2's compatability with Linux since that post.

I assume that LCDproc and LCD4Linux can utilize the buttons on the front of the 635, can anyone confirm this?

Thank you,


New member
I assume that LCDproc and LCD4Linux can utilize the buttons on the front of the 635, can anyone confirm this?
I am also trying to get a CFA-635 working under Linux. According to the developer's site, LCD4Linux does indeed support the front panel buttons on this product, however, it is only in the development version in CVS. This means you'll have to build it from source. I would also add that after a day or so of struggling to make sense of some rather disjointed and cursory documentation, I have yet to get it going. While it's not the most complicated software I've ever had to deal with, it's not for noobies. From everything I've read though, it should work well, it's just a question of getting everything configured properly. It should also be able to do what you want to do, but it's going to involve a fair amount of 'programming' the config file. Good luck.



New member

I appreciate the input. I am an advanced noob with linux (I have not played with it in many years... used to be pretty good with it)

I will keep watching LCD4Linux.

Thanks again,


New member
CrystalControl2 <-> Linux

Am I the only one who is even thkinking about PAYING for Crystalcontrol2 for Linux as long as it there???

The display and fan control is especially for the guys that do a bit more with computers than just their office work. These guys don't always know everything about programming :( but they still like to try Linux once and a while.

I'm one of them...... :D
and I absolute don't like to hear those fans running at 100% all the time, but I am too left handed to write my own software to control both display and fans.

I have seen so many initiatives for Linux on this forum, but nobody seems to have the time to properly finish his or her solution. Should Crystalfontz not bring proper Linux software itself, as part of the package?

A happy (under Windows XP at least) CFA-633 user!