CF-633 usbLCD under Linux don't work


New member
Hello all,

I am new in the LCD experience so I know nothing about it !!!

I would be interested in a USB 633 but I just want to know if the single USB cable is enough or if we need to connect an cable for power to make it work under Linux ( Debian 2.6.5 ) that support the driver for USB and i have configure LCDproc 1.4.4 with:

# CrystalFontz driver

# Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
Device=/dev/ttyUSB0 ##

# Select the LCD type (size) [20x4]
Size=16x2 ##

# Set the initial contrast [140]

# The backlight brightness settings are retrieved
# from the serversection now. And can therefore be
# modified from the server menu now.

# Set the communication speed [9600]
# possible values: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
Speed=19200 ##

# Set the firmware version (New means >= 2.0) [no]
# if set, set Speed to 19200
NewFirmware=yes ##

# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [no]
# normally you shouldn't need this

# This is using the USB->serial driver [no]

but the CF-633 dosen't work!!!!!!!!!!

if someone can help a poor guy (such I am) it would be very very nice

Thanks a lot
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