CC locks up when 'Settings' menu accessed


New member
Ok, I've been (frustratingly) trying to deal with an HD44780 display, and finally got it wired properly. It now shows the test screen when powered on, and with JaLCD, I got the display to show actual characters for a bit (the prgoram crashed about 30 sec.s into running though.

I installed CrystalControl and am trying to use that. However, when I right click on the CC icon (in the systray) and click settings, the program locks. The window 'LCD Settings' shows up, but clicking on anything in the window brings no response. The keyboard has no effect on the window either. Strange thing is that Task Manager does not show the program as 'Not Responding' and rigt clicking the CC icon and clicking Exit will close the window just fine.

I don't think this is related to the LCD. Removing the display's cable has no effect. I did replace msvbvm60.dll to get jaLCD to run, and haven't reverted it back yet. Could this have an effect?

System Info:

Windows XP Home
2x16 HD44780 display w/o backlight, wired w/old Ditto Drive parallel cable, hooked into power supply 5v current.

I'm using version 1.07, but this didn't work on 1.06 either.

Does anyone know what is going on?
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CF Mark

Run "regedit", and remove the whole key:

See if that helps.

CF Mark

Can you drag the settings window around?
Just make sure there are no error windows being show behind it.


New member
I can drag the window around, but there is nothing behind it. Here's what the window looks like, in case that offers any clue.

I'm going to try reverting to the old vbvm60.dll and see if that does anything.


New member
Ok, tried reverting to the old file. Still doesn't work. The only other thing I can think of that may cause this is that I had DriverLink Port I/O installed a while back (I think it made the parallel port act like it was on Windows 95 or something like that) for jaLCD and Winamp Plugins. But I uninstalled that, so it shouldn't have any effect on this.

CF Mark

Hmm, well im afraid im out of ideas.

Really the only thing i can sugest is a windows reinstall, but im sure you dont want to do that.
I guess it depends on how much you want to get CrystalControl running.

Or you could wait for CrystalControl2.


New member
Ok, I got it to work. I shut down the machine, disconnected the screen, rebooted, adn crystal control laods. If I plug in the LCD, crystal control recognizes it and interfaces with it, but if I close the settings window and reopen it, it will do the same thing again. I think the LCD isn't fully HD44780 compatible, as any non-number characters come out garbled. I've got another LCD I'll try out.

Thanks for all your help!