MWP said:
Theres a good reason why CF LCDs are backlit instead of sidelit like the one in that link.
Sidelit LCDs look horrible... no other way to put it. The light isnt even across the LCD so they become hard to view. Youll also find that LCD in the link is quite small, its almost impossible to side light an LCD as big as a 634 and make it look good.
BTW... TheCheeseMan... That MO LCD youve been modding is a pixel graphics LCD right (not char driven like HD44780)?
What PC stats software are you using to drive it? I didnt think any was avaliable.
Firstly I'm not here to say 'woo MO displays are the best don't buy CF' - though I do like and was showing off my display as it does rock.
You're right in pointing out the problem with single LED lit LCD's - getting the backlight to be very constant over the LCD is difficult and you'll notice from the picture there is a slight halo on the left hand side if you use LED's any brighter than about 2cd, though I don't think this is a real problem. And I'm pretty sure by the pics that CF do sell some side lit LCD's though I may be wrong.
As for the LCD's size - it's almost exactly the same size as a 4x20 display, so don't worry there.
Software support is good, it can use all existing MO software - can be driven as a normal 4x20 display, though the only advantage of doing this over a 4x20 display is the ability to use different fonts and 256 special characters (of variable width - I normally use LCD Center now with a few special characters). There isn't much software around that will take fully advantage of it's graphical ability, though some is in the works. But you don't really pay any extra for it being graphical - $15 over the 4x20 price I think for a nicer colour display with memory, custom startup screens, fonts, a keypad interface and a GPO.
Basically it's clear from what you've said above that you've never stopped to look at this display for more than a minute, never read the review of it and really don't know what you're talking about - though please don't take offense at this.
Once again, I don't work for MO and I don't take a banner of theres into bed with me - my fifth LCD if arriving this morning and four of them so far have not been MO displays, though as I said in, the review above this display from MO does rock. The mod I did to change the LCD's colour is not LCD make specific and I'm sure could be used on a CF displays (the blue inverted ones certainly look like they're side LED lit - no?).
Thanks (sorry if this post seemed harsh),