Basic LCD questions


New member
At the risk of sounding ignorant, I have a few basic questions about LCD's. There doesn't seem to be a wealth of info out on the streets.
1. How big can they be? By this I mean the individual elements not the entire display.
2. Can they be made flexible or do they have to be sandwiched between glass?
3. If they do have to be rigid, can they be moulded to shape?
4. Are large mono displays very expensive? by large I mean several feet rather than several inches.

Many thanks for any response,
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CF Tech

1. How big can they be? By this I mean the individual elements not the entire display.

Any pixel can be of arbitrary size, subject to some limitations on the switching speed and the resistivity of the conductive coating on the glass.

The largest glass is limited by the manufacturer. Typical "mother glass" is something like 23". Yield can be poor with displays that size.

2. Can they be made flexible or do they have to be sandwiched between glass?
3. If they do have to be rigid, can they be moulded to shape?

I think there some companies that make flexible LCDs. All that I am familiar with are glass.

4. Are large mono displays very expensive? by large I mean several feet rather than several inches.

The expense of the LCD will scale with the area of the glass. Very large glass will start to have extra expense due to yield problems. A single defect will scrap the whole motherglass instead of just a small display. In short, yes they will be expensive.


New member
saw a flexible at the cebit (world biggest computer meeting - in
germany)... looked very smooth when it's flex, but it's too expen-
sive to just plug it at the computer ........
the seller (last day of the cebit, you can buy everything there ,
so the people doesnt need to carry their stuff back home)
wanted 400 us-bucks for a flexible 4x20 with about double-sized
digits than a cfontz normal 2x20 got ....

:( 'snieeeef'

but hey dude! ... for what you need it ??