Background Pattern

Don Pastuck

New member
Getting a background hach pattern behind
displays normal out put. Could this be from un-shielded data wire? Works fine next to power supply and embedded procs. Only thing I did when installed was increase length of wires (28") and mount on plastic. Tried tieing board grounds together, still there. Does this display need to be fed with sheilded wire?
See attached photo.
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New member
do i see some sort of jam jar it the top left hand corner ? its like its full of vasoline..

Im guessing its not a computer, can i ask what it is ? sorry to spam your thread

Don Pastuck

New member
Real hard to explain..I'm a kinetic artist and this is a pc that I'm rebuilding that I had hanging in a restaurant. I use embeded process to control the movement. Have enclosed a picture of it in overhaul process (may be a little hard to see hanging in my work room with other junk), does not have LCD attached at this time. Use the LCD to give me a readout of RT clock (only runs when restaurant is open) so I can check if time correct and other functions working. Can show you a closer pic if you want to see it.



New member
heh, that looks cool. id be actually more interested in the motor function that it uses. im actually a tradesman, thats why i caught my eye.

when you say "kinetic artist" i dont know how you exactually mean.. i know about kinetics and its applications, (the limited ones).. can you elaberate just a little on this please ? much regards.