Asus k8n-dre and a 633 lcd


New member
Asus K8N-Dre and CFA633 issues

Has anyone had any luck getting a 633 working on an Asus K8N-DRE? I am unable to flash the LCD. I have tested it on two different DRE boards and w/ two LCDs. All serial support is on in the bios and the serial ports are functioning. I have even called Asus to make sure that there wasn't anything funny about the serial connector...which there is not. Tested with RedHat Ent 4 and Suse 9.3. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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New member
Ran the test and got this output. I also tested this with the cable flipped upside down with the same results.

linux:/home/633_linux # ./test633 /dev/ttyS1 19200
Ultra-simple CFA-631 / CFA-633 / CFA-635 command-line communications example.
Crystalfontz America, Inc.

./test633 PORT BAUD
PORT is something like "/dev/ttyS0" or "/dev/usb/ttyUSB0"
BAUD is 19200 or 115200
To clear the display, enter "clear" as an optional third parameter

Serial_Init:: success
"/dev/ttyS1" opened at "19200" baud.

Timed out waiting for a response.
Timed out waiting for a response.

Ctrl-C to exit.
Updated display, now waiting for packets


New member
Has anyone had any luck getting a 633 working on an Asus K8N-DRE? I am unable to flash the LCD. I have tested it on two different DRE boards and w/ two LCDs. All serial support is on in the bios and the serial ports are functioning. I have even called Asus to make sure that there wasn't anything funny about the serial connector...which there is not. Tested with RedHat Ent 4 and Suse 9.3. Any ideas would be appreciated.


CF Tech

What cable are you using?

Have you checked the pin-out? It may be that the module needs to be set to "alternate".