add backlight to lcd


New member
Hello! I was just wondering, could i add backlight to my optrex lcd ? Seems like it can be done as theres a emty space underneath the glass where a few leds would fit. Also there is a millimeter clearance where a EL sheet could be inserted, where can i find EL sheets that i can cut to the right size ?
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CF Tech

You could probably stick in an EL sheet. I know there are some "cut to size" evaluation kits out there. But by the time you did that and an inverter and shipping, you might as well just get an LED backlit unit.


New member
I got this lcd off ebay, this one:

It says led backlit but mine seems to have been robbed of its backlight unit, when i got it the bezel tabs were not twisted to to hold it together and there are clear marks that it had been opened as there was wear marks on the board from the tabs.

I have emailed the seller about it as i had to take the entire thing apart to flush it clean with electronics spray because it dident work properly. Anyone knows if there are any backlight units available for this lcd ?


New member
I have talked to the seller and hes deeply sorry and will send me a new one as i must have gotten av item that werent meant to be sold.