In general, the CFAH* series displays should work with the backpacks.
Please refer to the backpack's web sites for the capabilities of the backpacks.
Please compare the pinouts of the displays and the pinouts of the backpacks and any other specifications.
We just sell the displays.
Ferrari355: These displays are sensitive electronic components. They are essentially as sensitive as bare IC's. They are intended to be used by product manufacturers in the building of electronic devices under controlled production environments. Would you buy a 512MB DIMM, hand solder it into a prototype robot, then expect the manufacturer to replace it if it did not work?
The displays that go out to engineers at companies rarely have any technical support issues at all, the data sheet pretty much covers everything. Those same engineers are generally very familiar with prototyping electronic circuits and typically do not make as many "blue smoke" mistakes as beginners. Not to say that they did not at one time. Personally I think the best engineers are the ones that start with a love of electronics long before any formal schooling.
Since I was (and am) an electronics hobbyist long before I was an engineer, I worked hard to make these displays easily available not only to development engineers of large companies, but also to small companies and hobbyists. But making them available does not make them immune to damage. Each of these displays is factory tested, and we have yet to see a single bad CFAH* series display come from the factory.
Keep in mind that they are not that expensive, and that mistakes may occur. Some people pick up an ultra cheap display from bgmicro or eio to use while testing their setup, then carefully connect the nice display.