1. Gee, just use Wintest to change the boot screenI am just bying a CF635 and I prefer Matrix orbital !
With CF635 you have a boot screen with cristalfontz publicite !
all cristalfontz softwares not support CF635 !
very expensive !
no support
no remote firmware change !
no open for OEM
that so...
2. CC2 fully supports the CFA-635. Other than that, I am not sure what you mean.
3. hmm. The last time I checked, MO displays were just as expensive, if not more so.
4. The last I heard, CF's support was one of the best in the industry. Why do you say that?
5. I would have to *guess* that user-allowed firmware changes would add signficant cost to the product. Required for a VERY small % of users. Why would want to add additional cost to a product you already state is too expensive?
6. I do not understand your statement...
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